Now possible to view the privacy statement you have added to the platform when an user logs in or when an account is being created.
Now able to add notifications per template, which are send based on conditions you have set.
Instructor can now view per learner what needs to be assessed, not just by activity. This makes it easy for an instructor to view all work that has been handed-in by the learner and view it again later as well.
Now able to add a privacy statement to each (sub)environment, per language.
HTST option at the HTTPS options at advanced settings.
'Privacy by default'. Only the first name, 'middle name', last name, e-mail address and password are visible by default at new (sub)environments).
Navigation enhanced: consistency within the platform navigation with new 'header' and bread crumbs.
API-calls getStudentTeachers and getTeacherStudents added.
All users that are added to aNewSpring, via any entrance save API, will now be linked to their respective subenvironment (only for sub admin management).
LTI configuration: link added if a custom paramater is not available
Paul Hanly
said 7 years ago
Thanks guys. There are some really great features here, especially the notification engine.
Govert de Jong